THE ALARMING TRUTH  |  Part One - 8 Minutes

THE ALARMING TRUTH  |  Part Two - 10 Minutes

THE ALARMING TRUTH  |  Trailer - 30 Seconds



“Why the smoke alarm in your home won't save you.”

"Australia’s most popular smoke alarm, the one

that’s likely fitted in your home, is unlikely to save you.”

Karl Stefanovic, Reporter, 60 Minutes

It was Australia's most deadly house fire. Ever. Eleven people, eight of them children, were killed as an inferno engulfed the home in which they were sleeping. Two families, together for a cousins sleepover, ripped apart by tragedy. Three years after that fatal fire at Slacks Creek, south of Brisbane, the scars remain raw for the survivors. Disturbingly for the rest of us, authorities have not heeded the lessons from the tragedy. As this 60 Minutes special investigation reveals, Australia's most popular fire alarm, the one that's likely fitted in your home, is unlikely to save you.
Reporter: Karl Stefanovic  |  Producer: Rebecca Le Tourneau

Aired Australia: 19 Oct 2014  |  Aired New Zealand: 10 Nov 2014

'The Alarming Truth'

'Extra Minutes'

60 Minutes' Senate Inquiry Submission

FRNSW Commissioner's Email





Extra Video Footage:  David Isaac & Karl Stefanovic

Ionization Smoke Alarms: The Hidden Truth

Industry Politics: "Wasting Time and Risking More Lives"

NSW Fire Brigade: Committed to exposing ionization alarms


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David Isaac

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Karl Stefanovic

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FRNSW Commissioner's Email

Commissioner Mullin's

Read Commissioner Mullin's testimony to the Australian Senate Smoke Alarm

Inquiry where he warned:

"Ionization smoke
alarms should be banned."


Australian Senate Smoke Alarm Inquiry
60 MINUTES Senate Inquiry Submission

28 August 2015

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Industry Politics - Wasting Time and Risking More Lives

"It soon became clear that they (the Fire Service) actually did want..

 to help but were frightened and concerned at the industry politics..
involved in this issue and the ramifications for them if they spoke..

 out - industry politics which are wasting time and risking more lives."

Rebecca Le Tourneau, Producer, 60 Minutes  |  Australian Senate Inquiry Submission - 28 Aug 2015

Rebecca Le Tourneau

Producer, 60 Minutes

Note: This document is in the public domain. It was extracted from the Australian Government's Senate Inquiry website on 21 November 2015:


"The world is a dangerous

  place to live; not because

  of the people who are evil,

  but because of the people

  who do nothing about it."

Albert Einstein

"Ignorance, allied with..
power, is the most.. ferocious enemy..
 justice can have."

James A Baldwin

"The only thing..

necessary for the.. triumph of evil is that..

good men do nothing."

Edmund Burke