The Aquarium Test

"My smoke alarm's fine, it goes off when I'm cooking / it's hard-wired."

Bob Segall, Award-Winning U.S. Investigative Reporter Performing the WFSF's
'Aquarium Test' on Indiana TV.  |  WTHR's 'Deadly Delay' T.V. series

July 2007, Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A.

"I Really Don't Know"

WTHR's website and You Tube video show full-scale, scientific smoke alarm tests by Texas A & M University.
When Bob Segall asked U.L.'s John Drengenburg why the ionization alarms did not go off at the Texas A & M tests, when the test room was full of thick, toxic smoke, Dregenburg replied, "I really don't know."

Common Smoke Alarm Myths Explained

For Fire Fighters & Fire Officials

Australian & New Zealand Fire Fighters

U.S., Canadian & U.K. Fire Fighters

Investigating Smoke Alarm Effectiveness in Fatal Fires

by Joseph M. Fleming & Vytenis (Vyto)Babrauskas

Fire Engineering Magazine  |  July 2015

When the issue of smoke alarms and fire investigation
 comes up we are reminded of Mark Twain's wisdom,

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble.

It's what you know for sure but it just ain't so."


Read the full report H E R E > > >


"The world is a dangerous

  place to live; not because

  of the people who are evil,

  but because of the people

  who do nothing about it."

Albert Einstein

"Ignorance, allied with..
power, is the most.. ferocious enemy..
 justice can have."

James A Baldwin

"The only thing..

necessary for the.. triumph of evil is that..

good men do nothing."

Edmund Burke